From left to right: Les Goldberg, Daniel Pycock, Simon Ackermann, Peter Worth, Peter Muller in Frankfurt, 2018
One of the many strengths of the AV Alliance has always been its exceptional members within the global network, and that is just as true for the Board of the association. As our newly elected Board members are already working on shaping the future of the AV Alliance, we would like to take a moment to thank Les Goldberg, Peter Worth, and Daniel Pycock, our most recent resigning Board members for their leadership in the past years.
At our recent Annual General Meeting in the beginning of April, our AV Alliance members elected a new Board – the primary decision-making body of the association – as they do every few years. This new team of highly respected company leaders, Matt Emerson (CEAVCO), Alex Ostermaier (Neumann&Müller), and Martin Blanchard (Expert’ease) have by now started working with Chairman Péter Müller (Special Effect International) and our founder and re-elected Board member Simon Ackermann (Habegger AG).
While we cannot wait to see the new heights this new joint leadership effort will take AV Alliance, we would like to acknowledge those who have taken us so far in the past years. Before the month of April is out, we wanted to take the time to properly thank our resigning Board members, Les Goldberg, Peter Worth, and Daniel Pycock for the dedication that they put into making the AV Alliance an exceptional and powerful player in the audio visual sector over the past years. Without the strong support and leadership of our Board, the year 2020 would have been even more challenging and marked with heavy losses. Instead, the AV Alliance has gained more members in the past 16 months than it had to lose to the pandemic, and this tendency is still growing.
While we cannot emphasize enough the overall impact that our previous Board has had on our global network, it is just as important to draw attention to the individual contributions our resigning members have made to the AV Alliance during their tenure.

It has been a great pleasure, Gentlemen!