People and Solutions Dedicated to Your Project


Since 1983 Tecnoconference have been offering top quality AVL services for CORPORATE, ASSOCIATIVE and INSTITUTIONAL events, with a business unit dedicated to the corporate market, called Walk-In, facing the extraordinary styling and creativity needed in that kind.

With a headquarter based in Florence and branches in Milan and Rome, we have a total 3.500 sqm of warehouse space. We manage an average of 1.500 events per year with 4.000 technicians in action.


Tecnoconference is part of a larger group of companies that provide event Technology Solutions: TC Group. A close-knit team of specialists in AVL services and Software solutions for the Meeting Industry (Meetbit and WH Factory)


We offer skilled audio, video and lighting solutions thanks to ongoing investments and highly qualified staff. As a Hybrid & Virtual Specialist, we offer interactive solutions for online participant engagement such as onsite and broadcasting with webinars, streaming, web conferences and live surgery. We have our own Green Screen recording and broadcasting studio with a dedicated Video Production Unit.


We work with the largest Congress Centres in Italy (MiCo Conference Center in Milan and the Rome Convention Centre with a long term agreement), as wall as many prestigious National and International Associations, Meeting Planners and Companies.

Some of the most valuable recent collaborations include the Official Technical Partner of the 2024 and 2017 G7 Summit and the 2021 G20 Summit, both held in Italy. The last 5 State Of The Union Conference for the European University Institute. The last 5 Baker Huges Annual Meetings, the Party of European Socialist (PES) 2024 Election Congress, multiple Banking Road Shows, Automotive Industries, Energy Suppliers and major Pharmaceutical Companies Conventions, as well as Fashion Business Virtual Shows.


Florence ⋅ January 2024

Baker Hughes Annual Meeting 2024

Baker Hughes’ Annual Meetings bring together global leaders from the Oil and Gas industry to discuss key issues. It is one of the most anticipated events of the year, internationally, with 1800 highly profiled participants from all over the world.

An important hybrid event with a 1000-seat plenary hall, an auditorium of 400-seat, 7 tech rooms, 2 lighting talk rooms and an impressive stand area. A logistical and operational effort of significant importance to which we took part mobilizing more than 40 technicians, covered a total area of about 50 square meters of ledwall, setting up a directing 4k four-camera and a 4k two-camera, used 60 radio microphones and 60 personal computers for all AVL services, streaming and simultaneous translation.

Italy ⋅ 2023

Armani Virtual Show 2023

The ARMANI VIRTUAL SHOW is a fascinating virtual show that featured Armani Beauty management in a 3D virtual studio for immersive and engaging storytelling.

The program made use of our Green Screen Studio, a staff of skilled technicians, 4k cameras, and a lighting and sound system. Our senior video editor was tasked with packaging the final show that aired via streaming, combining live footage, digital sets, and virtual cameras.

A streaming product launch that, in just 15 minutes, gave the audience a unique and inspiring experience, informing and generating curiosity.

Rome ⋅ March 2024

PES Election Congress 2024

The Party of European Socialist Congress was held in Rome at the Roma Convention Center – La Nuvola an important event that effectively launches the European Socialists’ election campaign for the June 2024 European Parliament elections.

An institutional event of international importance in which we participated with all AVL services, simultaneous translation, video direction, live encoding for streaming and a special 80sqm curved ledwall managed by 20 AV technicians and riggers


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    Please use the contact form above to request a quote for your event, or reach out to our contact person below!

    Company info

    Tecnoconference srl

    Via de Perfetti Ricasoli, 94/96
    50127 Firenze

    Phone: +39 055326921

    [email protected]


    Contact person

    Lorenzo Grotti

    Phone: +39 348 3969833
    E-Mail: [email protected]